Monday, December 2, 2024 

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Below are some books and pamphlets that you may find useful for your spiritual growth.

Generally speaking these books are consistent with the doctrinal stance of Shepherd's Fellowship on the essentials of biblical Christianity. However, we recommend that you always be discerning and compare any teaching with our sole authority, the Word of God.

Use these links to jump to any topic.

God Biblical Counseling Marriage/Family
Jesus Christ Christian Life/Progressive Sanctification Missions
Holy Spirit Church Leadership Parenting
Scripture Creation Prayer
Apologetics/Evangelism Local Church/Ministry Salvation/Gospel
Believer's Baptism



Randy Alcorn, Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments

Greg Bahnsen, Always Ready: Directions for Defending the Faith

Greg Bahnsen, Van Til’s Apologetic: Readings & Analysis

John Blanchard, Does God Believe in Atheists?

John Blanchard, Ultimate Questions

Jim Ehrhard, The Dangers of the Invitation System

Joseph R. Farinaccio, Faith With Reason: Why Christianity is True

Ken Ham, Creation Evangelism for the New Millennium

Ken Ham, Why Won’t They Listen?

R.B. Kuiper, God-Centered Evangelism

R.C. Sproul, Getting the Gospel Right

Will Metzger, Tell the Truth

Cornelius Van Til, Defense of the Faith

Cornelius Van Til, Christian Apologetics

James R. White, The Roman Catholic Controversy



A.W. Pink, The Attributes of God

A.W. Pink, The Sovereignty of God

D.A. Carson, The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God

James White, The Forgotten Trinity

Jerry Bridges, Trusting God, Even When Life Hurts

John F. MacArthur, The Love of God

John Piper, The Pleasures of God

John Piper, Desiring God

John Piper, God’s Passion for His Glory

John Piper, Beyond the Bounds

Robert A. Morey, The Trinity: Evidence and Issues


Jesus Christ

John F. MacArthur, Our Sufficiency in Christ

John F. MacArthur, God in the Manger, the Miraculous Birth of Christ

John Piper, Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ

Robert Reymond, Jesus Divine Messiah

Tom Wells, A Price for a People, the Meaning of Christ’s Death


The Holy Spirit

John F. MacArthur, The Silent Shepherd, The Care, Comfort, and Correction of the Holy Spirit

John Owen, The Holy Spirit


Believer's Baptism

Adonirum Judson, On Christian Baptism

Paul K. Jewett, Infant Baptism and the Covenant of Grace

Fred Malone, A String of Pearls Unstrung

Fred Malone, The Baptism of Disciples Alone

T.E. Watson, Should Babies Be Baptized?


Biblical Counseling

Ed Bulkey, Why Christians Can't Trust Psychology

Jay Adams, Biblical View of Self Esteem

Jay Adams, A Theology of Christian Counseling

Jay Adams, Competent to Counsel

Jay Adams, How To Help People Change

John F. MacArthur and Wayne Mack, Introduction to Biblical Counseling

Paul David Tripp, Instruments in the Redeemer's Hand

Richard, Ganz, Psychobabble


Christian Life/Progressive Sanctification

Christian Communications Worldwide, 35 Reasons Not To Sin

Christian Communications Worldwide, The Unrepenting Repenter

David Swavely, Decisions, Decisions

Donald Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life

Donald Whitney, Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health

Donald Whitney, How Can I Be Sure I'm a Christian?

Elyse Fitzpatrick, Idols of the Heart

Erroll Hulse, The Vital Place of the Prayer Meeting

Garry Friesen, Decision Making and the Will of God

Jim Elliff, If I Should Die Before I Wake

Jim Elliff, Five Resolves for Personal Revival

Jim Elliff, Wasted Faith

John F. MacArthur, Twelve Ordinary Men

John F. MacArthur, The Power of Integrity

John F. MacArthur, Ultimate Priority

John F. MacArthur, Our Sufficiency In Christ

Ken Sande, The Peacemaker

Paul David Tripp, War of Words

Ralph Venning, The Sinfulness of Sin

Thomas Watson, The Doctrine of Repentance

Thomas Watson, All Things For Good


Church Leadership

Richard Baxter, The Reformed Pastor

Alexander Strauch, Biblical Eldership

Alexander Strauch, A New Testament Deacon

John F. MacArthur, Rediscovering Pastoral Ministry

John F. MacArthur, Rediscovering Expository Preaching



Michael J. Behe, Darwin’s Black Box

Jack Cuozzo, Buried Alive

Ken Ham, The Lie

Ken Ham, et. al., The Answers Book

Phillip E. Johnson, Darwin On Trial

John F. MacArthur, Battle for the Beginning

Henry M. Morris, The Long War Against God

Henry M. Morris, The Genesis Flood

Henry M. Morris, The Genesis Record

Jonathan Sarfati, Refuting Compromise

Jonathan Sarfati, Refuting Evolution

Jonathan Sarfati, Refuting Evolution 2

R.C. Sproul, Not A Chance


Local Church/Ministry

Donald S. Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines Within the Church

Jay Adams, Handbook of Church Discipline

John F. MacArthur, Reckless Faith, When the Church Loses Its Will To Discern

John F. MacArthur, Ashamed of the Gospel

John F. MacArthur, Fool’s Gold: Discerning Truth in An Age of Error

Richard Belcher, Journey in Purity

Wayne Mack, Life in the Father's House



Jay Adams, Christian Living in the Home

Jay Adams, What Do You Do When Your Marriage Goes Sour?

Lou Priolo, The Complete Husband

Martha Peace, The Excellent Wife

Stuart Scott, The Exemplary Husband



John Piper, Let the Nations Be Glad!



Dennis Gundersen, Your Child’s Profession of Faith

Lou Priolo, Heart of Anger

Jim Elliff, Childhood Conversion

Jim Elliff, The Eaglet

John and Noël Piper, The Family: Together in God’s Presence

Paul David Tripp, Age of Opportunity

Tedd Tripp, Shepherding a Child's Heart



John Bunyan, Prayer

Jonathan Edwards, Call To United Extraordinary Prayer

J.C. Ryle, A Call to Prayer



A.W. Pink, The Total Depravity of Man

John Blanchard, Does God Believe in Atheists?

Lorraine Boettner, The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination

Edwin H. Palmer, The Five Points of Calvinism

David N. Steele & Curtis C. Thomas, The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended, Documented

Iain H. Murray, Evangelicalism Divided, A Record of Crucial Change in the Years 1950-2000

Robert A. Morey, The New Atheism and the Erosion of Freedom

James White, The Potter's Freedom

James White, The God Who Justifies

James White & David Hunt, Debating Calvinism, Five Points, Two Views

James White, The Roman Catholic Controversy

Jim Ehrhard, Asahel Nettleton: A Forgotten Evangelist

John F. MacArthur, Ashamed of the Gospel

John F. MacArthur, Why Government Can’t Save You

John F. MacArthur, The Gospel According to Jesus

John Piper, Counted Righteous in Christ

John Piper, The Justification of God

R.C. Sproul, After Darkness Light

R.C. Sproul, Chosen By God

R.C. Sproul, Faith Alone

Robert Reymond, Reformation's Conflict with Rome

Richard P. Belcher, A Journey in Grace

Terry Johnson, When Grace Comes Home, How the Doctrines of Grace Change Your Life

Tom Wells, A Price For A People



James R. White, Scripture Alone

David T. King & William Webster, Holy Scripture: The Ground and Pillar of our Faith (3 Volume Set)